Lecture Schedule
Lecture 1. 6 September 2022
Luigi Denza’s 100th anniversary & Salvatore Cardillo’s 75th anniversary
= The artistry of the Neapolitan canzone
Lecture 2 4 October 2022
The 125th Anniversary of the Death of Brahms and Billot’s Friendship and Art
Lecture 3 1 November 2022
Commemorating the 100th anniversary of the premiere of Ravel Arranged Orchestral Edition
= Mussorgsky’s <Pictures at an Exhibition>and Classical Saxophone
Lecture 4 6 December 2022
Masterpiece review = Eternal end-of-year music, Beethoven Symphony No.9 <Choral>
*No classes in January.
Lecture 5 7 February 2023
Drama in five acts expressed in orchestral music
= Berlioz’s <Symphonie Fantastique>and idée fixe
Lecture 6 7 March 2023
Wagner, Nietzsche, and <The Avengers> Hero Narrative
Lecture 7 4 April 2023
150th anniversary of Rachmaninoff’s birth and 80th anniversary of his death, the greatness of Rachmaninoff’s Two No. 2
Lecture 8 2 May 2023
Carry on the tradition and then dismantle the tradition again
Mahler Symphony No.1 <Titan>
Lecture 9 4 July 2023
Big isn’t the only thing! Aesthetics of subtraction = = Mozart Symphony No. 40 vs. Schubert Symphony No. 5
Lecture 10 1 August 2023
Special end-of-semester program for 2022/23 = topic to be determined
*The above program is subject to change depending on the circumstances.